[CentOS-docs] New User Wishes to Contribute

Thu Oct 1 15:45:20 UTC 2009
Ed Heron <Ed at Heron-ent.com>

From: "R P Herrold", Thursday, October 01, 2009 9:26 AM

> Seriously, to me, I've been thinking about it the source of my
> concern for the last couple of weeks, and the tension comes
> down to 'core' v 'adjunct' and has a reasonably simple
> resolution -- split the two, and put all non-core material in
> a 'projects.centos.org' sub domain
> That would permit a clear division of 'official' content -- 
> rebuilds of upstream doco, an authoritative 'watched' wiki
> component for docoing CentOS specific variants, a
> target to point to as to recurring IRC, forum, etc issues, and
> another place open much more widely (in: x.projects. ... ) for
> whatever the cat wants to drag in.  I'll happily ignore what
> happens in 'projects', and the 'official' retains merit
> without pollution


> We do it with the division between [base] and [updates] - v -
> [centosplus] and [testing] split ... I am examining [extras]
> content this week, and suspect I'll find some vulnerable items
> that I've not been watching for.  I had missed the fact we
> were shipping [addons] and [extras] enabled, as I always drop
> in custom configs for yum, and I need to complete an audit.
> [[addons] is empty as to C5 where my focus lies -- it too
> needs a review for prior versions]

  I was rather surprised when I noticed those were enabled.

  Is there a way for yum search to report which repository a package is in 
without the repository being enabled?  With a simple reminder of how to 
enable the repository if the user wants to install that package?

> Just my current thinking
> -- Russ herrold
> [1] 
> http://blog.petaflop.de/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/giant-mosquito-bites-riesenmoskito-riesenmuecke-end-of-alaska-highway-mile-1422-delta-junction-alaska-usa-dscn0969.jpg