[CentOS-docs] Contributing Wiki article on tmpfs

Wed Oct 14 15:21:27 UTC 2009
Ralph Angenendt <ralph.angenendt at gmail.com>


sorry for reacting so late (did I really overlook that mail for 4 days? Tsk).

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 11:33 AM, Jasper Siepkes <jasper at siepkes.nl> wrote:
>  I would like to contribute a howto on how to put /tmp on tmpfs (or shm as it used to be called). I would also like to add a bit of background information on why you would possibly want such a thing.

Do so (I mean the thingie with the background information).

> proposed title: "Using tmpfs for /tmp"
> proposed location: HowTos

Is that really going to be a larger HowTo? I see that in the
TipsAndTricks section under "file system tips" - don't you too?

