[CentOS-docs] Contribution for Wiki CentOS - Virtual Hosting with VSFTPD and MySQL on CentOS 5 - HowTO Tutorial
Ralph Angenendt
ralph.angenendt at gmail.comTue Feb 2 20:49:03 UTC 2010
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Am 02.02.10 18:09, schrieb Han Solo: > Hello > > I am Thomas, alias Han Solo registered to wiki.centos.org > <http://wiki.centos.org> with email libnacom{}gmail.com <http://gmail.com>. I would need your WikiName (FirstnameLastname), not your mail address. > <https://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=24559&forum=38> > Can I or someone post to WIKI for all others out there to help out > configuring it, please. Nice article, but ... A few things which should be changed: The explanations in the first part are a bit terse (why do you want to store users in MySQL? Why should you choose a different password for mysql's root account than for your normal account?). Then: your vsftpd.conf contains tons of commented lines. On the other hand it is missing explanations *why* you set the other settings like they are. Next: Please do not use paths like local_root=/usr/tmp/user1 in a HowTo. Please use a sensible path for that. cat /dev/null > /etc/pam.d/vsftpd is useless use of cat. ">/etc/pam.d/vsftpd" is enough. Why use ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/centos.karan.org/el5/extras/testing/i386/RPMS/pam_mysql-0.7-0.5.rc1.el5.kb.2.i386.rpm if you can also use http://centos.karan.org/ for downloading it? Cheers, Ralph
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