[CentOS-docs] Contribution for Wiki CentOS - Virtual Hosting with VSFTPD and MySQL on CentOS 5 - HowTO Tutorial

Wed Feb 10 22:34:19 UTC 2010
Ralph Angenendt <ralph.angenendt at gmail.com>

Am 10.02.10 23:12, schrieb Han Solo:
> Hello
> Thank you for reviewing the HowTo and suggestions.
> I'm sorry, I forgot to search/ replace ( /usr/tmp/user1 ) instead of 
> manually replacing.  LOL
> I would like to try put it to Wiki page, please. It will take me some time 
> but eventually I could do it.
> I really didn't take the time to look where . :-)

You should be able to edit http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/VirtualVsFtpd
now. The page will only be linked to other pages after you deem it ready.

