FWIW: My feelings at my first attempt at revising/translating the wiki were OMG, no way to know where to start. So I came out with a *very* low-tech approach to job hunting. Maybe other people find it useful. Write this into a file, replace 'es' and 'Spanish' as needed. <HTML><HEAD></HEAD> <frameset rows="20%,80%" frameborder="1" border="5" framespacing="0"> <frame src="http://wiki.centos.org/RecentChanges" name "RecentChanges"> <frameset cols="50%,50%" frameborder="1" border="5" framespacing="0"> <frame src="http://wiki.centos.org/?action=LocalSiteMap" name="English"> <frame src="http://wiki.centos.org/es?action=LocalSiteMap" name="Spanish"> </frameset> </frameset> </HTML> Point at the file with your browser, start translating. -- Eduardo Grosclaude Universidad Nacional del Comahue Neuquen, Argentina