[CentOS-docs] Wiki article on installing hadoop

Thu Mar 18 11:32:41 UTC 2010
Ralph Angenendt <ralph.angenendt at gmail.com>

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 1:20 AM, Geerd-Dietger Hoffmann <didi at ribalba.de> wrote:
> On 17/03/2010 22:23, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
>>> I would like to write a little article on installing hadoop on CentOS.
>>> Comments? Can I just go forward with this?

HowTo/ or TipsAndTricks/?

>> What exactly did you have in mind? Prebuilt rpms? Or source installs?>:)
> Both. I want to say that you can use a pre-built rpm (and have to use
> the sun java version) or you can do x steps to compile it yourself.

Well, I'd say "go ahead", though we might need to go over the "compile
it yourself" area again :)

