On 21 May 2010 16:04, Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org> wrote: > There is nothing wrong with the process mentioned on that page - its > just not the one being used in CentOS anymore. So adapting the title and > the headings on that page should be a good start. Specially important is > that the overall gist of what is going on is correct ~ rebuilding > packages, compare to upstream and push it out. KB, On inspection of the Revision History for that page one can see -- 3 2009-10-19 22:17:29 5232 RussHerrold expand the build script outline beyond simple pulls from the mailing list 2 2009-10-16 11:42:21 3786 JohnnyHughes So, assuming you have overruled both Johnny and Russ, will you please make "the one being used in CentOS" known to the rest of the world. I trust your wording above, and hence the implicit message, was an error. I was lead to believe, after the Lance Davis affair of last summer, that there would be no more secrecy or any unilateral decisions made by one person. Alan.