[CentOS-docs] Re : Wiki: Howtos/Virtualization/HyperV

Sat Apr 2 18:37:27 UTC 2011
Milos Blazevic <milos.blazevic at sbb.rs>

Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> Am 02.04.11 15:15, schrieb Milos Blazevic:
>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2387594
>> Having said that, I would really appreciate if you could review the 
>> article, got back to me with your findings, and if the content from this 
>> source could find it's way into this fine Wiki article of yours :)
> Does the license of that article allow that (I guess it could be
> rewritten)? :)
> I don't have a problem with the content (as dkms is available from
> trusted repositories), so I'd have no problem with the inclusion either.
> But yeah, maybe the main author of the article wants to chime in.
> Ralph
> _______________________________________________
Damn, you're 100% right, Ralph... This definitely is something that 
should be taken into consideration. I really wouldn't like for this 
suggestion to cause any
trouble to either CentOS Wiki or to Ozy... However, I sadly have to 
admitt my knowledge is rather poor on this matter.

Hence, I'm hoping for someone with more experience in this legal stuff 
to chime in.
(But then again, I really don't see the reason why would the "Redmond 
heretics" mind - maybe not if the original article is pointed out as a 
reference and source for some part of the CentOS Wiki article?)

***Milos Blazevic*  

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