[CentOS-docs] HowTo Document - Installing Nagios on CentOS 4x/5x

Fri Feb 4 09:27:07 UTC 2011
Manuel Wolfshant <wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro>

On 02/03/2011 08:49 PM, Jonathan Q. wrote:
> Hi. There's a note on this document 
> (http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Nagios) that it appears to be abandoned 
> and unmaintained. Since I'm working through the document to install 
> Nagios, and taking fairly extensive notes on the process, I would like 
> to bring it up to date. But, since I've not worked on an open source 
> documentation project before, I'm not sure how to proceed. Basically, 
> I'm clueless right now. :-)  If someone could give me a little 
> guidance, I would greatly appreciate it!
> A couple of initial questions:
> Do I need to attempt to contact the original author for permission to 
> update and maintain the document?
Generally speaking, it is polite to do so, yes. But technically speaking
- the whole content of the wiki is licensed under a "Creative Commons 
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License" so anyone ( more or less 
...) may edit it
- the page under discussion starts with "Note added 28 July 2010: This 
piece seems to be abandoned, is unmaintained" so I am sure that a new 
owner will be welcomed.

> I've saved a copy to my local machine and I'm working on it there. Is 
> that the best way? How do I then submit the updated document for 
> publication?
> Anything else that would be good to know? :-)

Actually it's pretty simple since it is a wiki and we encourage users to 
expand / fix it.
Since you are a newcomer I suggest the following approach:
- create an account in the wiki
- submit here your suggested changes ( for instance by posting a link to 
a page hosting your modified version of the page or simply listing the 
changes as list in the mail; any reasonable method would be)
- once the changes are reviewed, ask for permission to include them in 
the wiki
- an administrator will give you the appropriate rights
- fix it
- let everyone rejoice
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