[CentOS-docs] Permission to create an article on wiki.centos.org

Thu Jun 23 18:19:21 UTC 2011
Lucas do Amaral - Linux Sys. Admin (IFCE) <lucas at ifce.edu.br>


   Your FirstnameLastname username;

   The proposed subject of your Wiki contribution(s);
   translate the release notes and some other stuff to brazilian portuguese
   - The proposed location of your Wiki contribution(s)
   At this point, just the release notes section, but later on, the howto
   section and some other stuff..

Lucas do Amaral Saboya
CV/Resume: PT-BR <http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2179889/cv%28pt-br%29.pdf>

Administrador de Sistemas Linux
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará - IFCE
Diretoria de gestão da Tecnologia da Informação
*Linux System Administrator
Federal Institute of Ceará
Board of Management of Information Technology*
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