[CentOS-docs] Grub Installation for CentOS 5 and 6

Tue Sep 20 15:01:11 UTC 2011
Phil Schaffner <Philip.R.Schaffner at NASA.gov>

Yves Bellefeuille wrote on 09/19/2011 09:03 PM:
> On Sunday 18 September 2011 11:42, Phil Schaffner wrote:
>> [[TableOfContents([1])]]
> The Table of Contents syntax is mentioned but not really explained at
> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Wiki/Editing and
> http://wiki.centos.org/SyntaxReference . Does [[TableOfContents([1])]]
> mean "Create a table of contents from the level 1 headers"?

It is rather confusing to me.  The number means "down to level N" and 
interacts with the directive

#pragma section-numbers M

So to use a TOC for only level 2 headers (1 level), with numbering of 
sections, one would need:

#pragma section-numbers 2

>> All the explicit numbers should be replaced by auto-generated
>> numbers. For example see:
>> http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Network/IPTables?action=raw
> Ah yes, I now see that I misread the "numbered list" syntax reference.
> Is it possible to automatically number lines in code, but without syntax
> highlighting? The only example in the syntax reference is #!python,
> which highlights Python syntax. I tried replacing #!python by #!bash,
> but that didn't work.

Sorry - don't know about that one.
