[CentOS-docs] Correction to HowTos/InstallFromUSBkey

Sun Apr 29 22:41:07 UTC 2012
Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org>

On 29 April 2012 19:30, Yves Bellefeuille <yan at storm.ca> wrote:
> There's a mistake in HowTos/InstallFromUSBkey , so I'd like to ask that
> someone fix it, or that I be given editing rights.
> The mistake is that in the section on CentOS 6, step 8, the correct
> command is "syslinux /dev/sdb1" (only).
> Also, although this isn't a mistake, I'd like to suggest mentioning in
> step 1 that the reason why part of the USB key has to be formatted as
> ext3 is because the ISO file that will later be copied is bigger than
> the maximum file size for FAT32 or VFAT.

Thank you, Yves. I've taken care of both of those points. Would you
like to check that it now reads correctly, please?
