[CentOS-docs] http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/postfix

Sat Jul 21 11:53:07 UTC 2012
Manuel Wolfshant <wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro>

On 07/20/2012 11:07 PM, Phil Schaffner wrote:
> Ned Slider wrote on 07/20/2012 03:12 PM:
>> One issue I see here is that the original howto was written for CentOS-5
>> with dovecot 1.x.
>> The OP here is clearly using CentOS-6, which uses dovecot 2.x and no
>> surprises for guessing that there are a few incompatibilities between
>> the config files for dovecot 1 and 2.
>> Personally, I'd suggest forking the original article and maintaining
>> separate versions for CentOS-5 and CentOS-6, or have separate sections
>> within the article for CentOS-5 and CentOS-6 where they differ.
>> To the best of my knowledge this list never did agree a mechanism for
>> handling documentation differences between product versions. The danger
>> is that if we keep editing changes for CentOS-6 into docs for CentOS-5
>> we will end up with broken useless docs.
>> How do others feel this type of situation should best be handled?
> I'd say it should be decided on a case-by-case basis, but perhaps some
> general guidelines would be helpful.  If differences can be easily
> handled by a note here and there then a separate page is probably not
> justified.  If differences are substantial between major releases, then
> a fork of a new page for the later release may be the best approach.
> Phil
+1 for Phil's approach
