[CentOS-docs] edit permissions on personal page

Sun Mar 25 16:20:49 UTC 2012
Christoph Galuschka <christoph.galuschka at chello.at>

Am 25.03.2012 17:44, schrieb Phil Schaffner:
> Christoph Galuschka wrote on 03/25/2012 07:11 AM:
>> Okay:
>> My name is Christoph Galuschka. I'm from Austria (Innsbruck to me more
>> precise). I know CentOS since around 2007 ( in the form of the basic OS
>> which was provided with Skyrix's Instant OGo Enterprise Server). I'm
>> using CentOS at home and I'm deploying it at work since 2010.
>> I'm allready contributing to CentOS in the form of t_functional commits,
>> a git howto and german translations of release notes (C6.2, C5.8, live
>> media, minimum media). These are also the areas in which I would like to
>> continue to contribute.
>> The above mentioned account christophgaluschka had access to release
>> notes (live versions and qa versions).
>> Until recently I also had access to http://wiki.centos.org/QaTeam and
>> the QaWiki
>> (http://wiki.centos.org/QaWiki/AutomatedTests/GettingStartedWithGitorious was
>> written by me, don't know why this is not there any more).
>> I've just changed the account to ChristophGaluschka. Could I pleasse
>> regain access to the above mentioned resources.
> Christoph,
> My apologies for not checking your history.  The
> QaWiki/AutomatedTests/GettingStartedWithGitorious page is still there.
> No sign I can see of what's wrong with your access.  There are no ACLs
> on the page.  Ralph or someone else with the proper privileges will have
> to create your personal page and fix permissions.
> Phil
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no apologies needed. The perms will shurely get fixed.
