[CentOS-docs] HowTo: Grub Installation for CentOS 5 and 6

Sat Mar 17 16:59:10 UTC 2012
Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org>

On 17 March 2012 02:48, Yves Bellefeuille <yan at storm.ca> wrote:
> On Friday 16 March 2012, Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org> wrote:
>> The first three lines of the raw data file are --
>> [quote]
>> ## page was renamed from YvesBellefeuille/Grub Installation
>> #pragma section-numbers 2
>> #acl YvesBellefeuille:Read,Write,Revert,Delete Default
>> [/quote]
> It is possible it should be "read,write,revert,delete", lower case?

Ah yes, that could be it, Yves.

As I am unable to adjust acl lines and as it seems that Ralph is at a
beer-festival (or otherwise engaged), let's call upon someone who
could edit that line to assist -- Johnny, KB, Tru are you receiving
this, please?
