The 'prepare' script uses a somewhat unusual construct a few places that has permissions errors, leaking (harmless) noise to stderr /home/artwork/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Commons/ line 70: /dev/stderr: Permission denied echo "$MESSAGE" > /dev/stderr /home/artwork/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Commons/ line 237: /dev/stderr: Permission denied END {}' > /dev/stderr -------------------- and I see a third instance in that script: [artwork at centos-art-58 ~]$ grep stderr \ /home/artwork/artwork/trunk/Scripts/Bash/Functions/Commons/ echo "$MESSAGE" > /dev/stderr cli_printMessage "${CLI_NAME} (${ORIGIN}): $MESSAGE" --as-stderr-line echo -e -n "$MESSAGE" > /dev/stderr --as-stderr-line ) END {}' > /dev/stderr [artwork at centos-art-58 ~]$ Might this properly simply be sent to /dev/null ? -- Russ herrold