[CentOS-docs] Translation of centos-art.sh script (Round 2)

Mon Sep 24 22:46:50 UTC 2012
R P Herrold <herrold at centos.org>

On Mon, 24 Sep 2012, Christoph Galuschka wrote:

>> already added to prepare functionality so they should be 
>> installed once the prepare functionality completes its 
>> duty.

working from the outlines at:
 		- and -
 	http://wiki.centos.org/ArtWork (intermittently today)

testing, I seem to get a forkbomb exhausting all process 
handles, two times running ... I will look into this further

[artwork at centos-art ~]$ \
 	Projects/CentOS/trunk/Scripts/Bash/centos-art.sh prepare
fork: retry: No child processes
fork: retry: No child processes
[then it starts displaying content again for a while]
         unset -f $FUNCDEF;
declare -fx cli_unsetFunctions
fork: retry: No child processes
fork: retry: No child processes
fork: retry: No child processes
fork: retry: No child processes
fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
cli ()
     local CLI_FUNCNAME='';
     local CLI_FUNCDIRNAM='';
     local CLI_FUNCSCRIPT='';
     local ARGUMENTS=''; 
[and then back into the forkbomb until I ^c it]

The wiki was not responding intermittently, as I was testing, 
so I could not check the edits to revert:

The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve 
the URL: http://wiki.centos.org/ArtWork

     Connection to failed.

I will try again with yet another fresh deploy tomorrow

-- Russ herrold