[CentOS-docs] Fwd: WpaSupplicant how to

Thu Jun 6 05:13:24 UTC 2013
Dan King <centos at dwdking.ca>


I was recently going through the how to located here:


This how-to shows the steps to follow to get a wifi interface working
without using NetworkManager and subsequently how to have wireless working
withouth having a user login.

Anyways, when going through this I was having issues because everything
seemed to work but I was never getting an IP address when the system booted

After lots of looking at this and working at understanding what everything
does I found the that prepnet startup script was killing dhclient using
this command:

     killall dhclient >/dev/null 2>&1.

I first attempted to remove this and after that didn't work I simply
changed the line to call dhclient instead. Making this change seems to have
solved my issues.

I'm wondering if this guide was built more for someone using a static as
opposed to a dynamic IP address? I'm not sure why dhclient is being killed
especially since calling it seems to have worked for me.

Anyways, does anyone have any ideas if I'm doing something wrong or if the
documentation needs a refresher and maybe a step or two on configuration
for static vs dynamic ip addresses?

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