[CentOS-docs] Fwd: Fw: Headless VNC Install Disk

Sun May 5 07:21:25 UTC 2013
Timothy Lee <timothy.ty.lee at gmail.com>

More questions regarding that wiki page's content

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Mirza Irwan" <mirza.irwan at yahoo.com.sg>
Date: May 5, 2013 12:35 PM
Subject: Fw: Headless VNC Install Disk
To: <timothy.ty.lee at gmail.com>

> Hi again
> There is one more problem with headless installation of Centos 6.4 on top
of the one I mentioned previously. The installer gave an error message:
> "Unable to read group information from repositories. This is a problem
with the generation of your install tree. Cannot retrieve repository
metadata (repomd.xml) for repository anaconda-centos-......"
> Regards,
> Irwan
> --- On Sat, 4/5/13, Mirza Irwan <mirza.irwan at yahoo.com.sg> wrote:
>> From: Mirza Irwan <mirza.irwan at yahoo.com.sg>
>> Subject: Headless VNC Install Disk
>> To: timothy.ty.lee at gmail.com
>> Date: Saturday, 4 May, 2013, 2:27 PM
>> Hi
>> I read your article to figure out how to install centos 6.4 (32-bit) on
a laptop with a broken graphics card. I did a dry run on a Virtual Machine
using VirtualBox. Everything worked except the ISO's media check when I
tried installing it. Is it a bug with the implantisomd5 program?
>> Regards,
>> Irwan
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