[CentOS-docs] Application for write permissions to CentOS wiki

Mon Dec 1 22:21:31 UTC 2014
Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org>

On 1 December 2014 at 21:46, Jerry Amundson <jamundso at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 3:15 PM, Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org> wrote:
>> On 1 December 2014 at 20:26, Karol Babioch <karol at babioch.de> wrote:
>>> Am 11.10.2014 um 00:04 schrieb Karol Babioch:
>>>> I hereby would like to ask for write permissions to the CentOS wiki.
>>>> I've just created a new account. My username is "Karol Babioch" [1].
>>> Ping.
>> Pong!
>> A home page has been created for you and you should now be able to
>> create translated pages under wiki.centos.org/de/
>> Perhaps you would first like to experiment on your home page, then
>> make contact with Ekkehard and Michael to plan a course of action for
>> making the translations?
> I thought usernames *must* be in the FirstnameLastname format...?
> http://wiki.centos.org/Contribute#head-42b3d8e26400a106851a61aebe5c2cca54dd79e5


The home page was set up using KarolBabioch. Likewise the acl for the
German pages.

Karol -- If you have created a wiki account with an embedded space
between forename and surname please delete it and create a new
account, as Jerry has mentioned, above.
