[CentOS-docs] Fwd: CentOS forum search link in http://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResources/Repositories under Atomic Repo

Sun Dec 14 03:59:15 UTC 2014
PatrickD Garvey <patrickdgarveyt at gmail.com>

Maybe I posted this a little late on Friday for anyone to take an interest
in suggesting a properly built search URL for the current forum software,
so I did some experiments which led to the suggestion added below the copy
of the previous post.

On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 6:52 PM, I wrote:
> [
forum search] returns a 404.

> Can the forum search https://www.centos.org/forums/search.php? be used
with parameters that will provide the supporting material for the warning
"Many CentOS users have had problems after enabling this repo"?

My experimentation indicates this URL:
returns 13 postings that discuss to use the Atomicorp repo with less than
satisfactory results.

Do those 13 postings adequately support the admonition to use the Atomicorp
repo only with particular care?
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