[CentOS-docs] Fwd: CentOS forum search link in http://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResources/Repositories under Atomic Repo

Mon Dec 15 20:26:22 UTC 2014
PatrickD Garvey <patrickdgarveyt at gmail.com>

On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Tom Sorensen <tsorensen at gmail.com> wrote:

> I did the last major rewrite of the AdditionalRepos page, in large part
> because of issues we see repeatedly on the IRC channels. The repos placed
> in the "known problem" section are there for a good reason -- they replace
> base packages by default, or they're poorly maintained, leading to security
> issues. Or both.
> Atomic falls squarely into the former category -- it replaces key parts of
> the base OS with its own packages, and it has broken yum on numerous
> occasions in the process. While fixable, for most inexperienced users this
> is difficult and the best way forward is a full reinstall.
> Any repo that does that, repeatedly, deserves to be placed in that section.
> On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 10:59 PM, PatrickD Garvey <
> patrickdgarveyt at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Maybe I posted this a little late on Friday for anyone to take an
>> interest in suggesting a properly built search URL for the current forum
>> software, so I did some experiments which led to the suggestion added below
>> the copy of the previous post.
>> On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 6:52 PM, I wrote:
>> > [
>> https://www.centos.org/search.php?query=atomicorp&mid=30&action=showall&andor=AND
>> forum search] returns a 404.
>> >
>> > Can the forum search https://www.centos.org/forums/search.php? be used
>> with parameters that will provide the supporting material for the warning
>> "Many CentOS users have had problems after enabling this repo"?
>> >
>> My experimentation indicates this URL:
>> https://www.centos.org/forums/search.php?submit=Search&keywords=atomicorp+repo
>> returns 13 postings that discuss to use the Atomicorp repo with less than
>> satisfactory results.
>> Do those 13 postings adequately support the admonition to use the
>> Atomicorp repo only with particular care?
Gentlemen (Trevor and Tom),

The subject of my posting is not the reliability of the "Known Problem
Repositories", but the link rot in the
http://wiki.centos.org/AdditionalResources/Repositories article.

In the specially tagged warning commentary in the Atomic Repo section is a
link to a search of the old CentOS forums that is described as providing
object lessons concerning the use of the Atomic Repo, <a class="https"
search</a>. It is no longer possible for that link to provide examples,
since the forum search is not located at https://www.centos.org/search.php.

I propose changing that link to
which seems to provide some (13) examples that support the warning text.

Do you agree that is a sufficient set of examples to provide or would you
like to provide an alternative set of search parameters?

I guess I relied too heavily on your reading my previous postings about
that wiki article and how I am modifying a copy of it to replace the
current article. My apologies for not making this and my other postings
sufficiently internally complete for you to understand what I was doing. I
hope you can answer my question from your experiences in guiding the use of
other repositories, especially those with Known Problems.
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