[CentOS-docs] Wiki page modification suggestion

Wed Mar 19 12:10:08 UTC 2014
Nicolas guerinet <nguerinet at gmail.com>

Username: nicolasguerinet

AT http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/VNC-Server

To Replace the ports numbers 58xx with 59xx in the vnc server tutorial to reflect variable $vncport from /usr/bin/vncserver. Thank you

2.8.1. Testing with a java enabled browser

Let us assume that mymachine has an IP address of The URL to connect to each of the users will be:

Larry is (should be 5901)
Moe   is (should be 5902)
Curly is (should be 5903)
Connect to A java applet window will pop-up showing a connection to your machine at port 1. Click the [ok] button. Enter larry's VNC password, and a 640x480 window should open using the default window manager selected for larry . The above ports  5801, 5802 and 5803 (should be 5901,5902,5903) must be open in the firewall {iptables) for the source IP addresses or subnets of a given client.
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