[CentOS-docs] Contributing to the CentOS Wiki pages

Tue Aug 11 14:29:40 UTC 2015
Zoltan Porkolab <zoltan.dba at gmail.com>

Hi CentOS-Docs Team,

I would like to contribute to the CentOS Wiki.

My username is: ZoltanPorkolab
Subject: Deploying Oracle Database on CentOS
Location:  (HowTos#Non CentOS Applications) http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos

I would like to contribute how to install Oracle 12c on CentOS 7 using
Oracle Quick Installation features.

I would also like to translate the latest CentOS Release Notes to Hungarian.


I would request to create/enable my homepage as well.

Thank you!

Zoltan Porkolab
IT Consultant – RedHat & Oracle
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