[CentOS-docs] Front page

Wed Aug 19 15:33:01 UTC 2015
Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org>

On 19 August 2015 at 10:05, Жељко Миловановић
<zeljko.milovanovic.srb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> i've completed this page, and now other Fronts could be pointed to it.
> I would like to edit http://wiki.centos.org/rs/Contribute now.
> Zeljko.

The rs/Contribute page, populated with the current English text, is
now ready for you to translate.

I'll make an addition to the English front page to point to your
translated version and the other translators will pick it up from

If at any time I am not immediately available, Akemi or Christoph may
be able to help. So just post to this list and one of us should
