[CentOS-docs] Wiki request

Tue Nov 3 13:00:09 UTC 2015
John R. Dennison <jrd at gerdesas.com>

On Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 04:58:48AM -0800, Akemi Yagi wrote:
> Done using your wiki name JohnDennison. You should be able to work on
> pages under /irc/ as well.

Thank you, Akemi.


A constitution is not the act of a government, but of a people constituting
a government; and government without a constitution is power without a
right.  All power exercised over a nation, must have some beginning.  It
must be either delegated, or assumed.  There are not other sources.  All
delegated power is trust, and all assumed power is usurpation.  Time does
not alter the nature and quality of either.

-- Thomas Paine (1737-1809), Rights of Man (1791)
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