[CentOS-docs] Introduction and wiki access

Sun Feb 21 22:36:12 UTC 2016
Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org>

On 21 February 2016 at 21:50, Samuel Cassiba <s at cassiba.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I will be contributing to the Config Management SIG. Please create a C-wiki
> home page as well as grant me write access to the Config Management SIG
> page:
> https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/ConfigManagementSIG
> My wiki username is SamuelCassiba.
> Thanks!
> Samuel

A C-wiki home page has been initialised for you and you now have edit
access to the ConfigManaementSIG page (plus any sub-pages).

If you have any problems please let either Akemi or myself know via this m/l.
