[CentOS-docs] Edit privileges requested for nfv sig and SIGGUIDE

Sat Jul 22 22:04:45 UTC 2017
Thomas F Herbert <therbert at redhat.com>


I am chair of the NFV SIG but don't have edit privileges of the SIG page 
to make updates.

The Contribute pages says to send an email to this mailing list for edit 

Also, I volunteer to update the SIGGuide with a pointer to the wiki 
information under "Requesting Resources."


Username: thomasherbert

Proposed Subject:

1. Update information about NFV SIG

2. Update SIGGuide with information about this procedure under 
"Requesting Resources"

Proposed Location:

1. https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/NFV

2. https://wiki.centos.org/SIGGuide



*Thomas F Herbert*
Fast Data Planes
Office of Technology
*Red Hat*
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