[CentOS-docs] wiki content management via automation

Thu Feb 22 21:30:30 UTC 2018
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 22/02/18 22:13, John R. Dennison wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 01:11:20PM +0000, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>> On 21/02/18 22:30, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
>>> That's a good question, as we'll also have to migration for moinmoin if
>>> we can't find a support path to migrate to supported version anyway.
>>> So first question (already asked on the list) : is there a way to get in
>>> touch with moin people willing to help/assist us ? (as their upgrade
>>> tool wasn't working to test migration from 1.6 to 1.7)
>> it would be good if someone on the docs team ( or docs focused could
>> take this up, I am far too removed from implementation at this point to
>> drive that conversation productively ).
>> Other than that, +1 to engage moin upstream
> +1 on getting moin updated to current.  It's going to be much less work
> in the long run than converting everything over to mediawiki or similar.
>>> And then too : is there a way to consume a kind of API for moin that
>>> would then meet the "content management via automation" requirement. Or
>>> do we have to also investigate directly another solution (like
>>> mediawiki) and so migration ?
>> does media-wiki have an api ?
> Yes, but unnecessary to resort to API for this.  moin-1.6 and newer all
> have functionality via 'macros' (plugins, mostly) to pull in remote
> content and have it rendered by the moin rendering engine and then
> displayed in-line.  Your work-flow could produce an artifact that is
> raw wiki-formatted text and then wiki.c.o could consume that content
> automatically.  Keeping that content up-to-date would then be the
> responsibility of the work-flow pipeline itself.

That sounds good and probably enough for what would be needed, so
automation "above" and wiki just consuming produced data to display it
Now the good question : who does know someone at moinmoin that we can
reach out ?
When I tried their irc channels for the migration issue, I was told that
it wasn't really supported, and on their website
(https://moinmo.in/Support) it seems to be more about "consultancy services"

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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