[CentOS-docs] TipsAndTricks/CentOSUpgradeTool unaviliable

Tue Jan 8 16:02:15 UTC 2019
Trevor Hemsley <trevor.hemsley at ntlworld.com>

On 08/01/2019 15:47, Pavel Drankov wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> It seems that https://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/CentOSUpgradeTool
> is no longer available. Can you help me with reaching an older
> version? Where I can find the article history?

It's not available as the tool has not worked for an eternity and no-one
has yet managed to work out how to make it work. Since the resulting
systems on which it's run then suffer from a variety of problems from
"the tool doesn't even let me start" all the way through to "I migrated
your system and killed it, I do hope you had a backup", it was removed
for safety reasons.

Do not attempt to run it, it WILL break things. If you are lucky it will
break before it even does anything at all. If you are unlucky then it
will let you do stuff and in the process it will break the system so
thoroughly that it will need days of remedial work done to resurrect it.

If you are volunteering to fix it and make it work then start from the
RHEL packages that are in git.centos.org and work out how to patch those
to work on CentOS. None of the more recent versions from RHEL have been
fixed to work with CentOS.

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