[CentOS-docs] Docs meeting with Fedora

Tue Feb 15 23:08:19 UTC 2022
Amy Marrich <amy at redhat.com>


That's a bad time slot for me but if I can be of any help let me know.


*Amy Marrich*


Principal Technical Marketing Manager - Cloud Platforms

Red Hat, Inc <https://www.redhat.com/>

amy at redhat.com

Mobile: 954-818-0514

Slack:  amarrich

IRC: spotz

On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 4:07 PM Shaun McCance <shaunm at redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Ben Cotton has been working on revamping the Fedora docs team. I've
> been working with him to see where we can share resources. We're doing
> weekly meetings. Please join if you can.
> https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/meeting-schedule/36706
> Wednesdays (starting tomorrow) at 18:30 UTC in #fedora-meeting-1 on
> Matrix.
> Let me know if you have questions, or if you can't make it but want me
> to bring things to the table.
> Thanks,
> Shaun
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