[CentOS-mirror] SWITCHmirror now with DVDs as well

Wed Aug 13 16:21:31 UTC 2008
SWITCHmirror Admins <switchmirror at switch.ch>

Could you please update the list of mirrors to add 'yes' to SWITCHmirror 
(mirror.switch.ch) in the 'Direct DVD Downloads' column?

BTW: Perhaps you could add some text on the 'CentOS Mirroring HowTo' 
page on why DVDs are not currently available from the masters. I had to 
dig into the mail archive to find the answer.

A suggestion for the upcoming multi-tier mirroring system: Make DVD the 
default and make the many CDs (1ofX) optional. Perhaps to exclude one or 
the other easily, place them in uniquely named separate subdirectories.

Many thanks,

Serving Swiss Universities
Thomas Lenggenhager
P.O. Box, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland