[CentOS-mirror] New Mirror

Mon Jan 14 15:48:46 UTC 2008
Phill <phill at fdcservers.net>

New mirror from FDCServers

Country: United States
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Organization: FDCservers.net LLC
Contact e-mail: mirror at fdcservers.net
Site: http://www.fdcservers.net

Mirror HTTP: http://mirror.fdcservers.net/centos/
Mirror FTP: ftp://mirror.fdcservers.net/centos/

Server Specs:
CPU: Core2 6300
Memory: 2GB DDR2
Storage: 4x500GB drives, hardware raid 5 array
1Gbit connection (server connections are not throttled but may be in the 

server is mirroring all centos versions and arch on the main centos 
mirror(msync.centos.org::CentOS) and is updated every 12 hours. Each 
update has a time stamp file generated that can be seen at 
http://mirror.fdcservers.net/update-log/centos/. Only the previous 5 
days worth of logs will be kept. If you need any more information let me 