[CentOS-mirror] lnx.apollo-hw.ro

Fri Oct 23 17:19:46 UTC 2009
Jeff Sheltren <jeff at osuosl.org>

On Oct 23, 2009, at 10:11 AM, Nick Olsen wrote:

> Well, This is better targeted at the list, as I just host a private
> mirror, and I'm not the person to talk to.
> However, It does look like your mirror is already listed and up to  
> date.
> Only reason I could see it being listed lower is because its  
> considered
> low bandwidth (OC3 or lower).
> The list would have more info, Which I have CC'ed them in on this.

Yep, the mirrors are grouped according to bandwidth.  OC3 is ~150mbit/ 
sec if I recall correctly, meaning your site *should* be classified as  
slower than OC3.
