[CentOS-mirror] Restored mirror; http://centos.alteeve.com

Sat Aug 20 00:05:26 UTC 2011
Digimer <linux at alteeve.com>

Some time back, I had to take my CentOS mirror offline as the load was
more than the server could handle. I've now build a new server on a much
faster network connection and running on a proper cluster, so with luck,
I should be able to stay up this time.

I am re-sending my initial notice, modified as needed:


> Please email the list when you're all set up with your cron job and
> your initial sync is completed.

Done. :)

> We will add you to our list of mirror sites. Please provide all
> relevant URL's (ftp/http/rsync/?) as well as how often you are
> synchronizing the mirror network.

http, 4/day

> Please include what city/state/country you are in and what your
> bandwidth cap is.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada. No cap, 1 Gbit connect.

> Also please give a name and link to the sponsoring organization so we
> can give proper credit.

Website/Mirrir; Alteeve's Niche! - https://alteeve.com (OSS tutorials,
talks and reference material)

Bandwidth; Interlink Connectivity - http://iplink.net (Commercial
cluster support, Canadian collocation facility)

> If the best contact point for your mirror is not the address you are
> subscribed to the mailing list with, please provide the email address
> of your preferred contact as well.

mkelly at alteeve.com

Let me know if you need anything else.


E-Mail: digimer at alteeve.com
AN!Whitepapers: http://alteeve.com
Node Assassin:  http://nodeassassin.org