[CentOS-mirror] mirrormanager: Database conversion

Sun Dec 11 21:58:43 UTC 2011
Ralph Angenendt <ralph.angenendt at gmail.com>

On 09.11.2011 06:04, Matt Domsch wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 07, 2011 at 04:05:59PM -0600, Ralph Angenendt wrote:

>>> MM does need this, an integer value in Mbps (100 = 100Mbps uplink).  Host.bandwidth_int.
>> Okay. As this is free form for us, this needs normalizing, then.

Hrm, first I need to offer an apology for being quite over such a long
time, but real life really got into my way for the last > 2 weeks.

I guess I've identified the needed fields from our database and now have
the following in a csv table: (all one line)

"LMU Muenchen, Dpt. Biologie 2,
Angenendt","centos-mirror-lmu at strg-alt-entf.org","http://zi.bio.lmu.de/","de"

These are the fields: Name of the mirror's sponsor, then the mirror URLs
(http,ftp and rsync). Next field is bandwidth (where we have *tons* of
mirrors without any entry - mostly older entries). Then "Contact Name",
"Contact Mail", "URL to sponsor" and the countrycode (here de for Germany).

Does that look like a workable subset?

