[CentOS-mirror] Access to DVD

Mon Dec 19 12:35:54 UTC 2011
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 12/19/2011 02:47 AM, Magnus Morén wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible for us to be added to the DVD access list ?
> Halmstad University, http://mirror.hh.se/centos, ip

The main reason for have 2 trees (one with dvd and one without) was 2
fold ...

1) We wanted to minimize the bandwidth on the initial syncs because we
did not have enough centos servers to sync the DVDs to everyone initially.

2) You needed to do special things to host > 2GB files on the apache for
RHEL, CentOS and Fedora (before the release of CentOS/RHEL 5), so even
if you got the DVDs, people could not download them.

Now that most mirrors are running CentOS/RHEL > 5 or Fedora > 7 ... #2
is no longer a problem.  #1 is also no longer a problem (we have lots of
servers too).

So, with all the 6.x trees, and also with 5.8 when released, the DVDs
will be in the main tree and we will no longer require special access to
mirror them.

The current plan for 5.8, when released, is to have the same setup that
we have in 6.x for ISOs ... a Net-Install CD iso, a Minimal-Install CD
iso, and a full install DVD iso (or 2 if required).  We are not going to
provide 9 CDs, etc for that version.  (Unless something unforeseen makes
that a requirement).

In the mean time, we can get people added to the DVD list, but since I
am currently pushing the 6.2 tree info out, it may need to wait a couple
of days before the changes take effect.

But in a couple of months, when centos-4 is EOL'ed, there will only be
one tree.

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