[CentOS-mirror] How can I be a internal mirror?

Wed Mar 7 17:34:23 UTC 2012
C.M. Connelly <cmc at math.hmc.edu>

"SF" == Sun Fulong <sfl at neusoft.edu.cn>

    SF> As I know, fedoraproject have a special system, that I can
    SF> set which IPs will use my mirror, and eclipse.org will use
    SF> reverse DNS query to show my mirror as preferred server,
    SF> how does centos.org do it?

At the moment, if you want to ensure that you use your local
mirror, you need to edit the .repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d to
change baseurl to point specifically to your repository (and
comment out the mirrorlist line).  Otherwise, YUM gets a list of
random mirrors in your country, which may still be very far away.


  Claire M. Connelly                             cmc at math.hmc.edu
  System Administrator, Dept. of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College