[CentOS-mirror] stop

Tue Sep 18 12:44:58 UTC 2012
John R. Dennison <jrd at gerdesas.com>

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 04:53:58PM -0700, Roberto R. Morelli wrote:
> That is how I feel.  This is for people that run mirrors, if they
> run a mirror, be on the list.  If you do not run a mirror, get off
> the same way you joined.  So much worthless chatter for no reason at
> all.

This list is for anyone that cares to be on it.  And as far as worthless
chatter I count 4 replies from you in my inbox on it all pointing out
basically the same thing :)

There is obviously something going on here with this issue whether it be
a troll or not.  The number of these messages hitting the list is
statistically out of the norm.  This is also not a brand new issue but
one going back some weeks / months.

Also, please do not top-post to the centos lists if you would be so
kind.  Thank you.

Much of what looks like rudeness in hacker circles is not intended to give
offense. Rather, it's the product of the direct, cut-through-the-bullshit
communications style that is natural to people who are more concerned about
solving problems than making others feel warm and fuzzy.

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