[CentOS-mirror] New Mirror

Mon Feb 18 23:27:33 UTC 2013
YUM Mirror <mirror at web24.com.au>

Hi there,


I have set up a CentOS mirror in our data centre and would like to ask that
it be made public.


I would first like to confirm I am syncing the best way, using:    rsync
-aqzH --delete msync.centos.org::CentOS /mirror/centos/


Currently I am syncing every 3 hours, on the hour.


The server is located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia and has a 150mbit


We are Web24 Group Pty Ltd and a link to our website is:



HTTP: http://mirror.web24.net.au/centos/ 

FTP: ftp://mirror.web24.net.au/centos/

RSYNC: mirror.web24.net.au::centos


Let me know if I need to add any other details.


Thank you. :) 

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