[CentOS-mirror] Missing mirror on mirrorlist: centos.uib.no

Sat Sep 14 17:35:01 UTC 2013
Morten-Christian Bernson <mcb at uib.no>


 We have been mirroring CentOS for about 3 years, but today I noticed 
 that our mirror is missing on the mirror-list.  I don't know when or why 
 this happened?

 Our mirror is located in Norway, has a gigabit internet connection and 
 provides everything over http, ftp and rsync.  It has both IPv4 and 


 Contact: mcb at uib.no
 Owner of the mirror: University of Bergen

 It would be nice if we were listed on the mirror-list again, and also 
 if I could get some info on why we have been removed?

 Yours sincerely,
 Morten-Christian Bernson

 Morten-Christian Bernson,
 Section for Infrastructure, Architect Backup and Storage
 IT-department, University of Bergen
 55584081/90995002/mcb at uib.no