[CentOS-mirror] UK Mirror - mirror.econdc.com/centos

Thu Jan 2 23:59:07 UTC 2014
OSHS Limited <info at siterollout.com>


I signed up for daily digests but so far I haven't received one nor a reply
to my original email - did anyone receive it?


On Wed, Jan 1, 2014 at 11:32 AM, OSHS Limited <info at siterollout.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We'd like to offer our location as a CentOS mirror:
> Mirror URL: http://mirror.econdc.com/centos/
> Name: EconDC
> Website: http://www.econdc.com
> Location: Heathrow, London, UK, EU
> Cron times: 00:15, 06:15, 12:15, 20:15
> Bandwidth: 50Mbps
> Regards,
> Suhail.
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