**Dear Fabian, When i should expect to reach my own mirror when using yum from linux... [root at sf /]# yum clean plugins Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit *Cleaning repos: base epel extras rpmforge updates* Cleaning up list of fastest mirrors [root at sf /]# yum provides netstat Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit *Determining fastest mirrors** ** * base: mirror.globo.com ------> i was expecting to reach my own server here* * epel: mirror.globo.com * extras: mirror.globo.com * rpmforge: ftp.is.co.za * updates: mirror.globo.com Warning: 3.0.x versions of yum would erroneously match against filenames. You can use "*/netstat" and/or "*bin/netstat" to get that behaviour No Matches found Pedro Alves