[CentOS-mirror] National Connectivity Only

Mon May 5 15:02:59 UTC 2014
Dewangga <dewanggaba at xtremenitro.org>

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Hi Fabian,

Yes, I just want to be listed, but I didn't have global internet
access. But, the server can reach internet from inside to outside, and
you can't access from outside the server (Internasional Connectivity).

How the mirrorlist checks the mirror? Crawl the timestamp.txt and some
binary files to get the data? Or what? IMHO, the Fedora use
"report_mirror" script that used to report from mirror server to
mirrorlist server. I think it's more usefull than crawl the data from
mirrorlist server to mirror server.

AFAIK, my mirror doesn't have international connectivity, but I can
reach and synced the files (eg. Fedora Content) and report them using
report_mirror script.

If you try to get mirror.rndc.or.id you will got timeout, but it was
listed on EPEL & Fedora publiclist mirror (mirrorlist).

Could CentOS Mirror List have that permission? (Without internasional
connectivity, the mirror maintainer still can be mirror the CentOS)

On 5/5/2014 21:13, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> On 05/05/14 15:52, Dewangga wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Is it possible if I just got national connectivity only and 
>> submit to mirror list? Like Fedora EPEL[1] & Fedora Linux[1] 
>> did.
>> [1] https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/publiclist#ID
> Let me try to summarize your question : do you mean you want to
> add a mirror to the list, but with only connectivity in your
> country ? The crawler process we use to see if a mirror is 
> current/up2date/gone is external to a specific country and would 
> need access anyway, like the MirrorManager one used by Fedora. 
> OTOH, the mirrorlist process we use returns mirrors in your country
> and/or nearby countries if no mirror is available in your country.
> the actual status can be seen here : 
> http://mirror-status.centos.org/
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