[CentOS-mirror] Rsync Errors

Thu May 22 11:45:47 UTC 2014
Paul Stewart <pstewart at nexicomgroup.net>

Thanks for clarifying.  So is it reasonable to assume that a well
connected North American mirror that has rsync enabled is also serving
content for the msync A record?  I though for some reason that the msync
record resolved to some dedicated boxes just for serving the mirror sites
so just curious.

When we do get the error, it does go away for sometimes a day or two and
then comes back sometimes.  So in essence other than getting the error
every so often, our mirror does keep updated :)



On 2014-05-22, 6:58 AM, "Fabian Arrotin" <fabian.arrotin at arrfab.net> wrote:

>On 21/05/14 20:58, Paul Stewart wrote:
>> Thanks…
>> I don’t know for sure but if I do a lookup at this moment from that
>> machine I see:
>> [root at centos paul]# ping msync.centos.org
>> PING msync.centos.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>> 64 bytes from node1.hostingbreeze.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=57
>> time=15.8 ms
>Well, if you use msync.centos.org, us-msync.centos.org , or
>eu-msync.centos.org (as described on the wiki page
>http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CreatePublicMirrors ), you have to realize
>that the dns setup for those A records will do some round-robin
>operations (and GeoIP lookup too) so you can hit a mirror and next time
>it can be another one.
>That round-robin process doesn't check the load/number of connections on
>the msync nodes, so we'd like to know which one you were hitting when
>you had that issue.
>The centos node hostname is shown in every rsync connection
>(header/welcome message)
>I have to implement some extra checks, as I guess the msync nodes will
>be overloaded when CentOS 7 will be pushed to mirrors :-)
>Fabian Arrotin
>gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab
>CentOS-mirror mailing list
>CentOS-mirror at centos.org