[CentOS-mirror] New mirror ftp.linux.ncsu.edu

Fabian Arrotin

fabian.arrotin at arrfab.net
Wed Sep 10 06:44:33 UTC 2014

On 09/09/14 22:30, Tremayne Grimes wrote:
> Please add our mirror to the official list:
> HTTP: http://ftp.linux.ncsu.edu/pub/centos/
> FTP: ftp://ftp.linux.ncsu.edu/pub/centos/
> RSYNC: rsync://ftp.linux.ncsu.edu::CentOS
> Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs
> Bandwidth: 1 GB
> Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, US
> Sponsor: North Carolina State University
> Sponsor URL: http://www.ncsu.edu
> IP to authorize for rsync:
> Email contact: tpgrimes at ncsu.edu
> Thank you,
> Tremayne


Let me not add it, but just "reactivate" it :-)
That mirror was declared previously in our mirrors DB, but was not up2date.
We sent several mails to the listed contact (jjneely at ncsu.edu) but no
Let me update the status/email address and have that mirror back in the
mirrors lists.

Fabian Arrotin
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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