[CentOS-mirror] New Mirror - Quebec, Canada

Sat Feb 14 22:12:10 UTC 2015
Paulson McIntyre <paul at gpmidi.net>

HTTP: http://mirror.your-mom.xxx/centos/
HTTPS: https://mirror.your-mom.xxx/centos/

HTTP: http://centos.your-mom.xxx/
HTTPS: https://centos.your-mom.xxx/

FTP: ftp://centos.your-mom.xxx/
FTP: ftp://mirror.your-mom.xxx/
Note: Both FTP sites support explicit TLS as well as normal, clear text FTP

Sync schedule: Every 1 hrs
Bandwidth: 400Mbps
Location: Quebec, Canada
Sponsor: GpMidi
Sponsor URL: https://www.gpmidi.net
IP to authorize: o.gpmidi.net |
Email contact: paul+mirror at gpmidi.net

One final thing: The your-mom.xxx domain is simply a joke. It doesn't host
anything pornographic, inappropriate, or objectionable.

-Paul McIntyre
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