[CentOS-mirror] New mirror apply - China

Fri Mar 13 13:08:31 UTC 2015
opencas <admin at opencas.cn>

Sorry, Last mail is hard to read.
Now I can reachvillisika.miuku.net with ipv6

ping6 villisika.miuku.net
PING villisika.miuku.net(villisika.miuku.net) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from villisika.miuku.net: icmp_seq=1 ttl=43 time=350 ms
64 bytes from villisika.miuku.net: icmp_seq=2 ttl=43 time=351 ms
64 bytes from villisika.miuku.net: icmp_seq=3 ttl=43 time=346 ms

So what I should do is just waiting for a while?

Original Message
Sender:Anssi Johanssoncentos at miuku.net
Recipient:centos-mirrorcentos-mirror at centos.org
Date:Tuesday, Mar 10, 2015 16:21
Subject:Re: [CentOS-mirror] New mirror apply - China

Yes, looks like AS29169 ( http://bgp.he.net/AS29169 ) is not reachable from your location for some reason. You should discuss this issue with your own network team first and perhaps with your upstream connectivity providers. If you need to, you can contact Gandi via their support form at https://www.gandi.net/support/contact/mail/ I can't really do anything about this problem myself as I'm just a customer at Gandi. Once the routing issue has been solved, your mirror will be automatically included on the IPv6 mirrorlist within an hour. 10.3.2015, 3:24, opencas kirjoitti:   traceroute6 -q1 -A villisika.miuku.net  traceroute to villisika.miuku.net (2001:4b98:dc0:41:216:3eff:fe69:46e3),  30 hops max, 80 byte packets  1 2001:cc0:2004:1::1 (2001:cc0:2004:1::1) [*] 0.339 ms  2 2001:cc0:1fff::d (2001:cc0:1fff::d) [*] 0.567 ms !N   ping6 villisika.miuku.net  PING villisika.miuku.net(villisika.miuku.net) 56 data bytes  From 2001:cc0:1fff::d icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: No route  From 2001:cc0:1fff::d icmp_seq=2 Destination unreachable: No route  From 2001:cc0:1fff::d icmp_seq=3 Destination unreachable: No route  From 2001:cc0:1fff::d icmp_seq=4 Destination unreachable: No route   It seems our router has some problems. Thanks very much.  So how can I contact with network admins at Gandi?  Original Message  *Sender:* Anssi Johanssoncentos at miuku.net  *Recipient:* centos-mirrorcentos-mirror at centos.org  *Date:* Tuesday, Mar 10, 2015 06:36  *Subject:* Re: [CentOS-mirror] New mirror apply - China   The problem is that your mirror is not reachable from the primary IPv6  checking node (in France). It does not respond to ping6 when pinged from  that node, but it does work from some other networks in Finland and U.S.   Here's a traceroute6 from the primary IPv6 mirror checking node:  $ traceroute6 -q1 -A mirrors.opencas.cn  traceroute to mirrors.opencas.cn (2001:cc0:2004:1:225:90ff:fe00:fe8b),  30 hops max, 80 byte packets  1 2001:4b98:dc0:41::248 (2001:4b98:dc0:41::248) [AS29169] 1.125 ms  2 p250-core1-d-ip6.paris.gandi.net (2001:4b98:1f::c1d1:237) [AS29169]  3.346 ms  3 2001:4b98:1f::c1c3:3 (2001:4b98:1f::c1c3:3) [AS29169] 3.430 ms  4 xe0-0-1-0-core1-lux-ip6.lux.gandi.net (2001:4b98:1f::c3b2:2)  [AS29169] 10.767 ms  5 xe0-0-2-0-core1-lux-ip6.lux.gandi.net (2001:4b98:dc2:1f::c12:1)  [AS29169] 10.593 ms  6 te0-0-2-3-core2-dc1-ip6.balt.gandi.net (2001:4b98:1f::cdba:2)  [AS29169] 99.716 ms  7 2604:3400:dc1:12::57 (2604:3400:dc1:12::57) [AS29169] 99.774 ms  8 te-7-1.car2.Baltimore1.Level3.net (2001:1900:2100::2ae1) [AS3356]  99.287 ms  9 2001:1900:4:1::26d (2001:1900:4:1::26d) [AS3356] 99.675 ms  10 vl-4062.car2.Newark1.Level3.net (2001:1900:4:1::269) [AS3356]  103.014 ms  11 vl-4081.car1.Newark1.Level3.net (2001:1900:4:1::c5) [AS3356] 376.192 ms  12 2001:1900:4:1::ce (2001:1900:4:1::ce) [AS3356] 103.719 ms  13 2001:1900:19:5::6 (2001:1900:19:5::6) [AS3356] 103.754 ms  14 10gigabitethernet6.switch3.nyc4.he.net (2001:470:0:202::1) [AS6939]  86.829 ms  15 10ge10-3.core1.lax1.he.net (2001:470:0:10e::1) [AS6939] 147.922 ms  16 100ge9-1.core1.lax2.he.net (2001:470:0:72::2) [AS6939] 148.623 ms  17 *  18 2001:252:0:302::1 (2001:252:0:302::1) [*] 293.053 ms  19 2001:252:0:100::1 (2001:252:0:100::1) [*] 298.219 ms  20 2001:252:0:1::4 (2001:252:0:1::4) [*] 293.945 ms  21 2001:e18:10cc:101:102::1 (2001:e18:10cc:101:102::1) [*] 294.965 ms  22 *  23 *  24 *   You can try a traceroute6 to the other direction, the hostname is  villisika.miuku.net. If you need to contact someone regarding this  problem on "my end", please discuss the issue directly with the network  admins at Gandi.   9.3.2015, 15:54, opencas kirjoitti:  Our server support ipv6.   So please let ipv6 users see our server viahttp://mirrorlist.centos.org/   Now I see only ipv4 users in China can see our server.    Server ipv6 address is 2001:cc0:2004:1:225:90ff:fe00:fe8b   Thanks very much   -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1  On 05/03/15 09:42, opencas wrote:  HTTP:http://mirrors.opencas.cn/centos/ Sync schedule: Every 8 hrs  Bandwidth: 100Mbps Location: China Sponsor: Open Source Software  Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences Sponsor URL: http://www.opencas.org/ IP to authorize: Email  contact:admin at opencas.cn mailto:admin at opencas.cn mailto:admin at opencas.cn mailto:admin at opencas.cn   Thanks : it has been added to the mirrors DB and will normally be listed as a public mirror (and onhttp://mirror-status.centos.org http://mirror-status.centos.org/ /  http://centos.org/download/mirrors/ ) in the following minutes/hours. Your IP has been whitelisted (check that it's working in the following hour)  Kind Regards,  - --  Fabian Arrotin The CentOS Project |http://www.centos.org http://www.centos.org/ gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)  iEYEARECAAYFAlT9PGwACgkQnVkHo1a+xU4D4gCeNH54Y9hu/yhjtVv9FETzvn4+ BRUAn1aGNx1ZZ1X5oOx/WqfEpJhYBkNI =ZzVE -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----     _______________________________________________  CentOS-mirror mailing list CentOS-mirror at centos.org mailto:CentOS-mirror at centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-mirror    _______________________________________________  CentOS-mirror mailing list  CentOS-mirror at centos.org mailto:CentOS-mirror at centos.org  http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-mirror     _______________________________________________  CentOS-mirror mailing list  CentOS-mirror at centos.org  http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-mirror  _______________________________________________ CentOS-mirror mailing list CentOS-mirror at centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-mirror
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