[CentOS-mirror] centos mirror @ seas.harvard.edu

Fri Apr 22 01:04:17 UTC 2016
Anssi Johansson <centos at miuku.net>

22.4.2016, 0.48, Chuck Anderson kirjoitti:
>> You could also try without --delay-updates, which also triggers this
>> requirement to know the full file list in advance.
> But not using --delay-updates means that the yum repo could be in an
> inconsistent/nonfuctional state until the sync finishes.  That isn't
> good for a public mirror.

If also using --delete-delay, the files to be deleted will be deleted 
only at the end of sync, reducing the chances of anything breaking. 
Although I see your point, I believe the base repositories (os, updates, 
extras, fasttrack etc) would end up getting synced in such a sequence 
that yum won't get confused. The repodata directory tends to get synced 
last, and it is not harmful if there are .rpm files on the mirror that 
are not yet referenced in the repodata.

For the directories that have a more exotic directory layout, such as 
"atomic", it might indeed be useful to have --delete-delay in use.

However, for this particular case, testing one sync without that 
--delay-updates and --delete-delay instead of --delete-after might show 
if the problem is related to rsync needing to gather the full filelist.

On the other hand, I might be entirely on the wrong track here.. rsync 
did transfer a few files before stopping, which doesn't quite fit well 
with my theory. Oh well. Perhaps it's a firewall problem then.