[CentOS-mirror] HostLink Mirror Announcements

Tue Feb 9 09:28:01 UTC 2016
Daniel Watson <daniel at hostlink.com.au>

Hi List

Please add our mirrors to the list

HTTP: http://centos.mirror.vic.au.hostlink.com.au

Sync schedule: Every 6 hours

Bandwidth: 1G

Location: Victoria, Australia

Sponsor: HostLink

IP to authorize:

Email contact: mirrors at hostlink.com.au

HTTP: http://centos.mirror.nsw.au.hostlink.com.au

Sync schedule: Every 6 hours

Bandwidth: 1G

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Sponsor: HostLink

IP to authorize:

Email contact: mirrors at hostlink.com.au


Daniel Watson.
Owner/Senior Network Engineer | HostLink
W: www.HostLink.com.au E: daniel at hostlink.com.au
P: 1300 430 738 | Direct: 03 9081 0511
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